Online Loan Management System in PHP


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  • Project title: Online Loan Management System In PHP/MyLoanee
  • Font End: PHP
  • Back End: MySQL

Download Link contains:

  • Complete Source code with sample database
  • Complete Project documentation

Project Documentation contains:

1.1 Title of the project
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Objectives of the project
1.4 Project Category
1.5 System Requirements
1.5.1 Hardware requirement
1.5.2Software requirement
1.6 Language used.
1.6.2 Back End: MY SQL
1.6.1 Front Ends
1.7 Project modules.
1.8 Future scope.
Software Requirement and Specification
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Purpose
2.1.2 Scope
2.1.3 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviations
2.1.4 References Book Reference Internet Reference
2.1.6 Overview
2.2 Overall Description
2.2.1 Product perspective
2.2.2 Product Functions
2.2.3 User Characteristics
2.2.4 General Constraints
2.2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies
2.3 Specific Requirements
2.3.1 External Interface Requirements
2.3.2 User Interface
2.3.3 Hardware Interface(MINIMUM)
2.4 Functional Requirements
2.4.1 Customer Account module
2.4.2 Customer Account module
2.4.3 Loan Account Module
2.4.4 Loan Payment Module
2.4.5 Penalty Module
2.4.6 Employee Dashboard Module
2.4.7 Settings Module
2.5 Other Non-functional Requirements
2.5.1 Performance Requirements
2.5.2 Design Constraints
2.5.3 Reliability
. 2.5.4 Security
2.5.5 Maintainability
2.5.6 Portability
2.5.7 Other Requirements
System Design
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Context Flow Diagram
3.2.1 Level 0 DFD (Context Flow Diagram)
3.3 Data Flow Diagram
3.3.1 Notation of the DFD
3.3.2 Top Level DFD(Level 1 DFD)
3.3.3 DFD Level (2.1)
3.3.4 DFD Level (2.2)
3.3.5 DFD Level (2.3)
3.3.6 DFD Level (2.4)
3.4 Entity- Relationship Diagram
3.4.1 Entity
3.4.2 Relationship
3.4.3 Attributes
3.4.4 E-R Diagram
Detailed Design
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Applicable Documents
4.3 Structure of software package.
4.4 Modules of system component
4.4.1 Login
4.4.2 Identification of modules:
4.4.3 Structure chart showing the hierarchy of modules
4.5 Data structures shared among modules
Database Design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Database Description
5.3 Table design
6.1 Database Connection
6.2 Customer Module Code
6.3 Admin/Staff Module Code
6.4 Logout Page
7.2 Introduction:
7.3 Levels of Testing:
7.2.1 Unit Testing:
7.2.2 Integration Testing
7.2.3 System Testing:
7.3 Test Reports:
7.3.1 Customer Registration:
7.3.2 Company Registration:
7.3.3 Customer/Company Login:
7.3.4 Customer Loan Application Form:
7.3.5 Make Loan Payment:
7.3.6 Admin/Staff Login:
7.3.7 Loan application Approval process:
7.3.8 Add/Edit Staff:
7.3.9 Customer Change Password:
7.3.10 Loan Type:
7.3.11 Loan Processing Fee:
7.3.12 Admin/ Staff Change Password:
7.3.13 Delay Payment settings:
7.3.14 Admin/Staff Profile:
7.3.15 Customer profile:
7.3.16 Company Profile:
User Interface
8.1 User Interface
8.2 Admin Interface
Future Scope

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