Video streaming in PHP

Video Streaming in PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) : While Youtube is the most popular video streaming website and it broadcasts thousands of Video per day. Antoher example is  Justin, is another video Streaming site which allows anyone to broadcast their own videos through online.

This Video stream developed using PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) and MySQL which is very user friendly to broadcast the videos. Through the video sharing process, users can upload, share and also view the videos uploaded by others. Not only this videos can be edited and uploaded online and has different modules. In this project the different modules that have been provided are administrators, users, web registration and search.

In this script the Visitors can only watch recorded videos. The visitor must register to upload or Broadcast the video. Users must login to access their account features. Only Registered users can upload videos or broadcast the videos. Users can upload and share the videos to other users. The Staff can monitor user uploaded videos for security purpose. The Administrator can manage complete website.

Software Used:

  • Front end is PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)
  • Back end is MySQL Server

Project Benefits:

  • All users can upload and share videos with their friend with the help of embedded link of video url.
  • Users can set different video channels and they can categorize the videos.
  • Companies can broadcast events or any meetings through online by sending invitation link to their registered id.
  • The staff will automatically receive an message after user uploading video and for broadcasting video.
  • Administrator or management can generate revenue by putting advertisement banners and with subscription charges.
  • The confirmation mail goes to the users after the registration. User must click on confirmation mail to activate the account.
21 thoughts on “Video Streaming in PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)”
  1. Project is not related to broadcasting live video and download contains big prerecorded wmv and mp3 files. Index redirects to a file not included in package, php scripts conned to a mysql database that is not defined, require external files not included. Looks like a bunch of useless files and descriptions stolen from other sites. SourceForge description was copied from VideoWhisper PHP Live Streaming edition (without permission) : VideoWhisper > Live Streaming > PHP Stand Alone Live Streaming PHP Webcam Script PHP Live Streaming Edition Highlights: + Create Live Video Channels + Broadcast Live Video from Browser + Share Channels Link/Embed Code + Limit Total Use Time by Channel + Simple Setup + Easy to Install + Full PHP Source Code + Easy to Integrate

    1. Hello
      I am New to videowhisper and recently I Installed videowhisper live streaming and VOD some rtmp links my problem is when I used URL link , videos are stored in that folder but whenever I used PATH ,flv files are not stored in that path. and
      In Channels page I want to show the videos with category wise.
      it shows only screen shoots
      please any body help for this issues

      kind regards,
      [email protected]

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