Online Blood Bank

Blood donations are an integral and essential part of our health care system. Online Blood Bank project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way. The blood donors can register to this system by entering their profile information. It Aim is to provide transparency in this field, make the process of obtaining blood from a blood bank hassle free and corruption free and make the system of blood bank management effective.

This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors different blood groups available in every Blood Bank and help them manage in a better way. This will manage blood stock in the Blood Bank and the blood prices are maintained in the database. Blood Bank Management System is a nice web-based application which is developed in PHP platform.

This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way. This project intends to computerize the blood and donor management system in a blood bank in order to improve the record management efficiency due to the grown size of records of data. This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way.

Features of Online Blood Bank:

  • Hence it is web based application it can be implemented everywhere.
  • Management can organize Blood Donation Camp.
  • Blood donors can register through online.
  • Management can manage blood donor’s database byrecording their physical and medical statistics.
  • Inventory management in blood bank for storage and issuance of blood.
  • User can send Blood request and they can check the donors list.
  • Blood request from one branch to another branch.
  • Displays information about expired blood.
  • This supports multiple users.
  • This system generates different types of report.

This project is developed using JSP and all the record stores in the database. This project has SMS feature. The bulk SMS alert goes to all blood donors. WAY2SMS gateway imported in this system. The system works with MVC model.

Modules of the project:

  • Login module: In the login module user can login to the system by entering login id and password.
  • Blood search module: In the blood search module user can search different types of blood group by entering blood group. If it has stock then they can order blood packages else they can request with donors.
  • City module: This module is very important categorize city wise blood record.
  • admin module: The admin are the management where admin will manage all features of the website.
  • banking module : The customers payment report stores in banking module.
  • Report module :  The admin can take monthwise, datewise, yearwise report.
  • blood stock module: This shows stock details of the blood with different groups.
2 thoughts on “Online Blood Bank”
  1. it is really useful but i need a source of this project so plz send this p[roject source code to my email I request u to send the source code plz

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