Online Crime Management System Developed using PHP and MySQL. Online Crime Report Information System developed using PHP and MySQL. Using this project people can report crime online. It provides the facility of uploading images or videos of crime scenes so that police can take action immediately. The system will work and update the online complaints, maintain criminal’s records, crime details records, and other. With Online Reporting System public can report a crime without any fear and they can easily contact the department. We have collected some requirements from local police station, as per their working process we have worked on this project.
Project Title:
- Online Crime Management System / Online Crime Reporting System / Online Crime Info System
Download Link contains:
- Complete Source code with sample database
- Complete project documentation
- PPT Presentation
For More information about project:
Project documentation contains:
1.1 Title of the project 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Project Description 1.4 Project Scope 1.5 Preset System and Proposed System 1.6 Project Category 1.7 Module description. 1.8 Hardware requirement 1.9 Software requirement 1.10 Future scope of the Project |
Software Requirement and Specification
2.1 Introduction 2.2 Purpose of SRS 2.3 Scope of the SRS 2.4 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviations 2.5 References 2.6 Overview 2.6.1 Overview Description 2.6.2 Product perspective 2.6.3 Product Features 2.6.4 User Classes and Charteristics 2.6.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 2.2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 2.7 Specific Requirements 2.7.1 External Interface Requirements 2.7.2 User Interface 2.7.3 Hardware Interface |
2.7.4 Software Interface
2.7.5 Communication Interface 2.8 Functional Requirements 2.9 Document Convictism 2.10 intended user and Reading Suggestion 2.11 System Features 2.12 Other Non-Functional Requirements 2.13 Software Quality Attributes 2.14 Other Requirements
System Design
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Applicable Documents 3.3 Functional Decomposition 3.4 Context Flow Diagram |
Database Design
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Table Design 4.3 Entity-Relationship Diagram 4.4 Database Scheme Diagram
Detailed Design
5.1 Introduction 5.2 Applicable Documents 5.3 Structure of Software Package 5.4 Modular Decomposition of components |
6.1 Introduction |
7.1 Introduction 7.2 Psychology of Testing 7.3 Testing Objectives 7.4 Software Testing 7.5 Levels Testing 7.6 Unit Testing 7.7 Integration Testing 7.8 Output Testing 7.9 System Testing 7.10 Test Case |
Input and Output Screen |
Limitations |
Future Scope |
Bibliography |