Indian State, District, City SQL Database

This is clean and neat database of Indian State, District, City SQL Database. Download link contains entire database of Indian State, District and city. This SQL database has list of states, State-wise district records and District-wise city lists. It has more than 30+ state records and 600+ district records. This you can integrate with any of your project.

  • State : This has 35 records.
   state_id int(11) NOT NULL,
   state_title varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   state_description text NOT NULL,
   status varchar(10) NOT NULL
  • District: This has 640 records.
CREATE TABLE district (
   districtid int(11) NOT NULL,
   state_id int(11) NOT NULL,
   district_title varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   district_description text NOT NULL,
   district_status varchar(10) NOT NULL
  • City: This has 5924 city records.
   id int(11) NOT NULL,
   name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
   districtid int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
   state_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
   description text NOT NULL,
   status varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL

Database Information

  • The System has 3 database tables – state, district, city.
  • All 35 state records, 600 districts and 5900 city records stored in this system.
  • This is the backup of MySQL database.
  • MySQL Version – 5.2+

Download Database

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27 thoughts on “Indian State, District, City SQL Database”
  1. Thank you. I was thinking of how to write all state, district and city records. But this ready database I got. It will help me a lot for my project.

  2. Hello, How are you.. Can you do code for this. I need 3 dropdowns. First it should display all state records in dropdown box, after selecting state then districts under state should load under district dropdown box, After selecting district it should load city records in city dropdown box.

  3. I am unable to download the things you provide here, facing issue
    “An application is preventing Microsoft Edge from safely connecting to this site”
    please make it sure the content is available for downloading.

    1. I am not able to download, can you help me with the link provided when click on that given msg appear …
      An application is preventing Microsoft Edge from safely connecting to this site

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